Island Park

IP aerial

Island Park is a wonderful place. It is situated in an ancient Caldera and adjacent to another, both of which are overdue for theatrics that would destroy Island Park in an instant if either decides on a tantrum. Alternatively, Island Park is in danger of destruction of another type. This is a place of marvelous views, tall mountains, a broad timbered valley, world-class fishing, clean waters, wildlife and the less tangible things like solitude, close-knit community, nature at our doorstep, and quiet, is slowly being "civilized". I can't think of a better word--the very things we love about Island Park are being converted into all the things we left behind in the cities and towns we came from.

I'm not sure what this page is going to look like, but I will start it by posting some of my columns that are most relevant to what is happening here.

warm river
moose creek and big springs

Here are some links to articles of interest.

A Word of Warning